Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely not. We are not here to sell you anything! In fact, we work on a contingent basis. Meaning, there are no out-of-pocket expenses to you. We're paid ONLY upon successful collection of your claim. We cover ALL expenses related to the claim until it is paid, and if the claim is unsuccessful you owe us nothing.

Is this a scam?
Where did this money come from?

These funds come from tax sale excess funds.

What are tax sale excess funds?

If a property goes to auction because the property tax was delinquent, and let's say the back taxes owed were $35,000, and the buyer pays $130,000 for the property at auction. The county will accept $130,000 and a full 75% will be overages. In other words, the buyer has paid over the amount of taxes due. What happens to the $95,000? That money belongs to the property owner who has probably abandoned and disappeared not even realizing that the $95,000 is still sitting there at the county.

Will the county or state notify me of the excess funds?

Unfortunately, the county or municipal government will not attempt to locate the delinquent taxpayer or any heirs regarding unclaimed tax overages, nor will they assist them with any processes of recovery.

Can't I Find the Money on my Own?

The agencies we audit typically DO NOT post these unclaimed funds accounts online. You are welcome to search state unclaimed funds websites, but if you find funds there, these are not funds specific to tax overages and most like outdated or wrong information.

Why Should I Use Your Company?

Most of the assets we locate aren't available by searching the internet, and it's unlikely that without the aid of a company like ours, that you'll be notified of their existence by the agency holding them. We have spent an exorbitant amount of time understanding this process, what is needed, and what is to be submitted as to not hinder or delay your claim, or have your claim denied out right.

Any other questions please feel free to give us a call at 1-844-765-0920